Friday, February 29, 2008

Google Analytics

My brother (babaBrian and Internet Video of the Day) told me to add Google Analytics to this here blog and I'm glad he did. It's a lot of fun to see what brings people in. I don't particularly care how long they stay or what pages they visited, but the Google search information presented is fascinating.

For instance, since I've added Google Analytics, there have been 9 Google search referrals. In all the following, the quotes mark the keywords used and are not included in the actual search box. If you type in "earnings strategy" as a search, my blog is miraculously #1! I'm also the #1 result for "how to profit when option assigned." I'm #2-#5 on the rest so far ("google share implied volatility," "grmn strangle earnings," "implied volatility profiting earning seasons," "options assigned," and "svnt blog"). The financial posts are evidently the most popular. Perhaps I should get back to that topic again.

I can see how Google Analytics would be helpful for a serious website looking to bring in advertising revenue, track the sales process, or something similar. Mostly, though, I think it's just fun and interesting to see which random searches find you.

1 comment:

Lord Hughes said...

I really enjoy Google Analytics as well for my blog. Shows lots of interesting search terms that lead people to your site. It also helps to see what posts bring in people and help you to guide future posts on topics people are interested in.